Strategi Mengembangkan Kepemimpinan Generasi Baru di Sektor Publik
Adaptation, Leadership Style, New Leadership, Public Sector, Technology IntegrationAbstract
Leadership in the public sector plays a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness and efficiency of public services. New generations, bring unique challenges and opportunities in leadership development, requiring adaptive and innovative strategies. This study employs a literature review approach using Publish or Perish and VOS Viewer to identify and analyze leadership strategies for new generations in the public sector. The visualization results show that leadership style, interpersonal relationships, and technology integration are central themes in the literature. Major clusters include leadership style, new leadership, and the influence of artificial intelligence. This study highlights the importance of ongoing research and the adaptation of leadership strategies to demographic and technological changes. These findings provide practical guidance for policymakers and practitioners to improve the quality of leadership and public services
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